Get Involved

What can I do from home or in my community?

Reduce single-use plastic
Reduce or eliminate entirely your use of single-use plastics and replace with reusable items, especially bags, beverage containers, straws, utensils, and takeout containers.

Participate in river or beach cleanups
Collect and properly dispose of plastic and other trash from a river or beach in your community. Join an event hosted by another organization, or organize one yourself.

Support local legislation
Urge the lawmakers of your city, state, province and country to ban single-use plastic items, and support greater accountability for the production and management of plastic products and waste.
How can I help the Clean Currents Coalition teams?
The Clean Currents Coalition projects are financially supported by the Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory and The Coca-Cola Foundation for three years. Please consider supporting the Clean Currents Coalition teams directly so they can further expand and sustain their impact.
You may contact the CCC members and their partners at the links below.
Project Partners:
How can I learn more?

Further reading:
Benioff Ocean Initiative 2021
Plastic waste capture in rivers: An inventory of current technologies
Benioff Ocean Initiative 2019
River plastic pollution: Considerations for addressing the leading source of marine debris
Borelle et al. 2020
Predicted growth in plastic waste exceeds efforts to mitigate plastic pollution
Jambeck et al. 2015
Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean
Jambeck et al. 2020
Lau et al. 2020
Law et al. 2020
The United States’ contribution of plastic waste to land and ocean
Liro et al. 2020
Macroplastic storage and remobilization in rivers
Meijer et al. 2021
More than 1000 rivers account for 80% of global riverine plastic emissions into the ocean
Schmaltz et al. 2020
Plastic pollution solutions: emerging technologies to prevent and collect marine plastic pollution